The Kenny Gordon Foundation was established in 1999 after the sudden and tragic passing due to heart failure of our son, brother, and friend, Kenny Gordon, at age 26. It is the KGF's mission to preserve Kenny's memory through various charitable endeavors that reflect the vivacious and generous spirit of a young man who viewed the world through unbiased eyes and offered friendship to all those with whom he came in contact.
The Foundation is extremely proud of its affiliation with Cornell University/New York Presbyterian Hospital and Dr. Bruce Lerman, Chief of the Division of Cardiology and the Director of Cardiac Electrophysiology Laboratory. 2016 marked the 10th anniversary of The Kenny Gordon Experimental and Computational Arrhythmia Laboratory at the Maurice and Corinne Greenberg Division of Cardiology at the Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City. Under Dr. Lerman's umbrella, the laboratory headed by Dr. David Christini is focussed on an alternative to this post-arrhythmia onset approach. Such an achievement would mark a significant advancement towards a fundamental shift in arrhythmia therapy. By preventing arrhythmias, rather than dangerously waiting to terminate them after they have started, this approach may one day save thousands of lives.
The KGF also maintains a long standing commitment to Kenny's alma matter, Skidmore College, where it created a scholarship in Kenny's name, targeting high school students who have the ability to thrive in a higher education environment but whose schools do not provide the support or resources necessary to prepare them for the academic challenges of college. Over 20 students have received full four-year scholarships to the college since the scholarship was established in 2000. We are most proud of the young men and women who were and are Kenny Gordon Scholars. You can read more about these fine individuals on the site here.
We hope that you will seriously consider making a generous donation of any amount to the Foundation. Every dollar counts and enriches lives physically, academically, emotionally, and socially. We need your support in continuing our quest to help find new insights into the causes of sudden cardiac death and new treatment for its prevention as well as helping to make a difference in the lives of young people for whom opportunity can be elusive although they possess all the intelligence, desire, grit and determination to succeed.
If you would like to make a donation now, please click here.
Because KGF is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.